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To begin, I would like to recall that conception, gestation and birth prepare the child to integrate the environment in which he will live. This post will be mainly talking about the nose job clicnic in Nevada called Rhinoplasty Las Vegas Pro. You can find there here:

For this transition to be harmonious, it is important that her prenatal and perinatal experiences are equally balanced, based on respect and trust. It is a reality that we are gradually becoming aware of. Conversely, if the child's environment is competitive, centered on material values ​​and contempt dominates, these elements will also influence his early life experiences. Hope you like the information we have to provide about rhinoplasty and other types of surgeries. The birth of the child marks the end of his intra-uterine experience. The medical system is often criticized for high rates of caesarean sections, which in Greece are two to three times higher than in other countries and exceed fifty percent. Nevertheless, although there are some unfortunate exceptions, medical teams are not the only ones involved. When a couple goes through intense stress during pregnancy, a stress that caregivers often have not been trained to detect, it is difficult for them to experience a natural vaginal delivery. Promoting our sovereignty over hospital protocols is an important step for our babies to regain their health. And we ours. Wondering how we got there can lead to interesting answers. As a prenatal psychologist, I can testify to the feelings of guilt, pain and anger experienced by parents who have had a Caesarean delivery, who fail to take the next step of learning from this painful experience While

walking with their child towards a healing phase. For there is always something to repair ... As we shall see, whatever the strength of our resistances, the symptoms remain and the dysfunction resurface, sometimes decades after birth. So let us leave by the life that guides us wisely. In this article, we will focus on the symptoms that a baby can present as a result of a Caesarean section, in order to better recognize them, and then we will see how to regain some balance. Some traumatic factors related to birth by Caesarean section According to William Emerson, a pioneer in supporting children with perinatal trauma, the following eight factors can be traumatic in a caesarean birth. It should be noted that an emergency operation may be more traumatic than a scheduled caesarean section, since there is life-related stress for the baby: Obstetric interventions: they result from birth complications making caesarean section necessary. A cephalo-pelvic disproportion: when the child's head does not correspond to the diameter of the mother's pelvis, and the baby remains stuck with a feeling of helplessness or despair, which may later claustrophobia. The interruption of a natural process: birth is interrupted and replaced by surgery. Physical intrusion: the mother's body is open to take out the baby. This process, which can save the child in an emergency, involves a violation, an intrusion and a psychological shock. Body extraction: the baby is dislodged from the pelvis and this action causes him much confusion. Moreover, he feels himself annihilated by the mechanical forces which are applied to him. Removal: the baby is lifted out of the uterus abruptly and this will later be associated with difficulties during periods of transition. Separation and abandonment: the baby is separated from his mother / parent and this may be associated with patterns of separation and abandonment in his future life. Parental Stress: Birth does not go as planned. In most cases, parents feel frustrated by the lack of symbiosis between mother and baby, and this frustration increases the suffering of the baby.

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